Nadine Carroll, a frequent poster on Silicon Investor's Politics for Pros thread, hits another home run.
Just comparing Obama to Bill Clinton, I am struck by little semblance of logical coherence there is in Obama's utterances. Now Bill Clinton was no stranger to spin! But you could tell he knew what logical coherence was, and made efforts to simulate it in his pronouncements, or to obtain it altogether if possible. With Obama, I am not certain if he knows how slippery and dishonest he is being. He seems to regard this kind of slipshod structure of arguments as acceptable. Certainly, even pushing the program he is pushing, you could imagine a more honest argument for it.
To continue with this idea, I am toying with a very simple idea that seems to have occurred to almost none of our punditocracy -- that Obama is incapable of logical thought, having spent his whole life preferring cleverness to coherence.
I know, I know, the One is supposed to be so very bright, so everybody assumes that his hole-filled arguments must be that way on purpose. Even Bill O'Reilly sounds genuinely impressed with Obama. But the One has always operated in environments where quick, deft and slippery count for much more than logical, factual and coherent. Could it be that Obama and all his hearers have simply mistaken the first set of adjectives for the second?
Why else is this so-called great orator unable to muster a real argument for anything? Why can nobody quote line from the supposed great speeches he gave during the campaign or the inaugural, even those who swooned over them at the time? Why are none of his speeches memorable once they have been written down?
I think Obama is strictly Performance Art. Behind all the performance there is only a junior machine pol from Chicago.
In which case, we ain't seen nothin' yet, in terms of the general disillusionment.
Over a year ago, Charles Krauthammer predicted Obama's spell would burst shortly after Inauguration. He predicted a rude awakening. I think he was absolutely right, and we are seeing the process in motion.
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