Where in the World is Smithee?

Where in the World is Smithee???

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Democratic Congress's Popularity at New Low

John at Powerline remarks on Rasmussen's new report that Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. voters now have an unfavorable opinion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, including 42% Very Unfavorable.

Too bad many voters in last November's election were so uninformed they thought the Republicans still controlled the Congress.

1 comment:

The McCurdy Family said...

Ha Ha! Great picture!

Speaking of pictures..........I like the new one on the cover of your blog. Have you decided to change the look every season? I think I might do that on my blog. BTW.......that isn't Mt. Index, it's Merchant Peak. You'd know that if you had read "Being Gone." I described it there. GG