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Where in the World is Smithee???

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Michael Cummings on the Transition of Power

This post is worth remembering and preserving. It was posted by my friend, Michael Cummings, on Politics for Pros, a discussion forum on Silicon Investor.

It's remarkable to witness how easy so many are persuaded and manipulated by the media to think a certain way, when the drum beat is constant.

When you ask people why they hate Bush so much, the response you often see is some general statement about how he squandered this or that. How he didn't reach out etc.

The truth is no President has been despised by the left and media as much as Bush has. He dared to do what he said he would do in response to the war on terror. He said it would be a long battle and we would have to be steadfast in our determination, yet many thought they were living in a two hour movie, where the bad guy would be killed in an instant.

The simple truth is whatever President Bush did as Commander in Chief, kept terrorists from our shores for over 7 years. If someone had said a week after 9/11 that was possible, most would have called them extreme optimists.

If there is one thing Bush can be criticized for, it's trying to get along with Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, Clinton and the other extreme partisan Democrats who care for power far more than they do our country.

So now they have total power - Congress and the Presidency with near super-majorities in each. Let's see how quickly the children running around Obama, who have become accustomed to blaming everything in the world on Bush and accepting no responsibility for themselves, manage the government. And let's also see how the media stays entertained without being able to blame every problem in the world on Bush/Cheney.

Day 1 of the Democrat party war in Iraq starts tomorrow. There is no reason Democrats can't bring the troops home immediately with control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency. Now, let's see how many protestors from the far left will be marching in the streets demanding the troops come home. Let's see how many far left demonstrators will be marching on the Capital when the first error occurs in the war zone. Let's see how the media reports an American casualty in Iraq. And let's see the anti-war SI participants twist their logic in circles, finding every excuse under the sun for Obama to maintain an "occupation force" in the Middle East for another year, when they've been clammering Bush is Hitler and one more death is akin to murder for years.

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